About Smarter Thinking
We are a team of registered sport and exercise psychologists (Health Care Professions Council Registered) who work with individuals and teams who want to maximise their potential.
Smarter Thinking was developed in 2014 to help people to recognise the thoughts, feelings, and actions that are limiting their potential. With Smarter Thinking, we help people to challenge and change these thoughts, feelings, and actions, so that they can more healthily and purposefully pursue their goals.
The team comprises two sport and exercise psychologists:
Dr. Martin J. Turner
Dr. Turner is Associate Professor of Psychology and is an internationally recognized psychologist whose main expertise is within the management of stress and emotion. Martin is a British Psychological Society (BPS) Chartered and Health Care Professions Council (HCPC) Registered Sport and Exercise Psychologist, a Chartered and British Association for Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Accredited Sport and Exercise Scientist, a certified European Psychologist (EuroPsy) with the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA). Martin has worked with many athletes and sports teams (including the FA, and the ECB), public (e.g., NHS) and private sector (e.g., SONY) organisations, and has published over 50 scientific papers. Martin developed Smarter Thinking in 2014 as a method of applying rational emotive behaviour theory in achievement settings.
Dr. Andrew Wood
Dr. Wood is a qualified Sport and Exercise Psychologist with the British Psychological Society. He is a consultant, researcher, lecturer and published author in Sport and Exercise Psychology. Andrew is an evidence-based practitioner working with a range of elite sport teams and organisations, including his current role as the lead sport psychologist for the England Blind Football Team (Football Association).
Our services
Performance coaching
We can work with you on a one-to-one basis to help you learn and utilise Smarter Thinking for your performance.
Group sessions
We can work with your team at a group level to provide stress and emotion management training, using Smarter Thinking.
Wellbeing programmes
We can develop and deliver workplace wellbeing programmes that integrate systemic individual and group level Smarter Thinking.